Year after year, Law & Business School develops its skills in two key areas: business (management, marketing, accounting, finance, etc.) and law (business, tax, legal, digital, ....).
In addition, 2 cross-cutting strategic areas are also being developed:
Law & Business School attaches great importance to the development of its applied research activities in order to strengthen its position as a key player in the development of knowledge, and to steadily advance its programs and teaching.
LBS promotes the development of this type of project in partnership with companies and applied research networks.
Law & Business School (LBS) thanks you for your confidence.
We have received your request.
Be present on our facebook page of Law and Business School.
We wish you and your loved ones good health.
Rue du Lac d'Annecy 1035 Les Berges du Lac - Tunis
Tel. (+216) 70 026 426
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[cf7form cf7key="telechargement-fiche-filiere-master-en-management"]
[cf7form cf7key="telechargement-fiche-filiere-master-en-gestion-hoteliere"]
[cf7form cf7key="telechargement-fiche-filiere-master-en-droit-judiciaire"]
[cf7form cf7key="telechargement-fiche-filiere-master-en-finance-dentreprise-et-des-marches_copy"]
[cf7form cf7key="telechargement-fiche-filiere-master-finance"]
Sorry, the Brochure is not yet available.
[cf7form cf7key="telechargement-fiche-filiere-master-expertise"]
[cf7form cf7key="telechargement-fiche-filiere-master-en-droit-fiscal"]
[cf7form cf7key="ff-comp"]
[cf7form cf7key="ff-l-marketing"]
[cf7form cf7key="ff-l-management"]
[cf7form cf7key="telechargement-fiche-filiere-licence-droit"]
[cf7form cf7key="ff-l-finance"]
[cf7form cf7key="ff-comp"]